sábado, 18 de julio de 2009

Cuando el Times redescubrió Praga...

La imagen, obra de polémico y genial David Cerny.
Por si no lo reconocen, el que esta en el tanque es un modelo de Saddam Hussein.

Esto es el inicio de east meets west all over again. El times acaba de publicar un texto sobre la escena artística (según ellos "escondida") en Praga.

“This is a country that was once at the center of a critical discussion between eastern Futurists and French dreamers,” said William Hollister, an editor at Umelec, a Prague-based contemporary art magazine that publishes in four languages, including English. “It’s not a way station anymore, or a link between East and West, but it is a city that is producing a fair share of visual artists who are recognized internationally.”

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