jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

El dilema occidental

Cómo convertir el Islam en algo tan amigable que se pueda vender en Wal Mart?!, ponle una marca como nike, adidas o hermes y obtendrás aceptación garantizada (y es en serio). Divus Unit 30 presenta la exhibición de PODE BAL, "CONVERSE and other pilot products for global companies called United Brands for World Peace":

Converse is a new system of products and product proposals and is guaranteed to contribute to a broader understanding between the quarreling East and West. Pode Bal started this project over four years ago and since then, marketers had been adapting some of their own products to the ethic of Converse. As a result, products such as the Alarm Clock Ramadan, the GPS Mecca navigation system have come to become standard reality. One of Pode Bal's initial ideas – the Al Quds Jeans – cater to the needs of Muslims, who want to feel comfortable when praying.

The unique showing of Converse in London starts with a presentation for (not only) global companies titled United Brands for World Peace.

La cita es el jueves 16 de julio a las 7pm en la galería Divus Unit 30, espacio de exhibición en Londres de la editorial Divus y la revista Umelec.

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